r=8r=Tr=`r=8r=8r=Kr=r=BKr=8r=Pr=xr=r=PSr=pr=󊂏S{UP?ĨS{U`@ĨS{Up@ĨS{U@6S{U`S{U`+;S{Uеr0RǃS{U`HS{U";S{UPP"BS{U``"BS{U"<S{U";S{UYMR #RS{U#.6S{U#S{U#ƝS{U#4S{U@#+S{Up8$=S{UP$AS{Up@$=S{UP$uS{U`$ALS{U $S{U `$uLS{U0$ؖS{U0$>!S{U'>~S{U(>BKr=$Or=`o=`o=hr=@Kr=`مr=vLr=󊂏tyforms' ), 'NF' => __( 'Norfolk Island', 'gravityforms' ), 'KP' => __( 'North Korea', 'gravityforms' ), 'MP' => __( 'N8r=r=`r=Xr=r=Pr=r= r=r=@r=M r=9 r= 0r=& r=,f Ђr=r= Nƫr=QWڦ r=S8Pr=l=No %r=ȭl=찇r=l= b$=3r=r=P.©@r=r=Q[4upr=r==LmЈr=r=r=r=r=r=\r=FKr=FKr=FKr=0r=0r=Hrr=FKr=nbr=󊂏Mr=Mr=$Or=kn=`mSr= qyn=sm=Mr=Mr=$Or= _m=Dr=Kr=PTr=PTr=/** * Gets merge tag values. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFCommon::to_money() * @uses GFCommon::format_post_category() * @uses GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden() * @uses GFFormsModel::get_choice_text() * @uses GFCommon::format_variable_value() * @uses GFCommon::implode_non_blank() * * @param array|string $value The value of the input. * @param string $input_id The input ID to use. * @param array $entry The Entry Object. * @param array $form The Form Object * @param string $modifier The modifier passed. * @param array|string $raw_value The raw value of the input. * @param bool $url_encode If the result should be URL encoded. * @param bool $esc_html If the HTML should be escaped. * @param string $format The format that the value should be. * @param bool $nl2br If the nl2br function should be used. * * @return string The processed merge tag. */Q[4up+r=fr=DMא,r=gr=b$=3,r=hr=;Xr=ir=rRDjir= r=*1r=` r=F7õ-r= r=\lx r=WPSEO_Utils::is_development_mode(); } catch ( \Exception $exception ) { // E.g. when WordPress and/or WordPress SEO are not loaded. return \defined( 'YOAST_ENVIRONMENT' ) && \YOAST_ENVIRONMENT === 'development'; } } }